
Types of Honey
1. Forest Honey
2. Natural Honey
3 Regular Honey
The 60000 bees in a beehive may collectively travel as much as 55000 miles and visit more than two million flowers to gather enough nectar to make just a pound of honey.
Forest Honey
Forest honey is the most beneficial and medicinal, as honey bees collect nectar from the most diverse sources and rare medicinal herb ayurveda or sanskrit is called as madhu. Usage of honey as food and medicine has been advocated since the vedic period.
medicinal herbs. ·
- Honey Contains Some Nutrients.
2 High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants. ·
3 Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol.
Farm Honey
Honey is only food sources produced by an insect that humans eat and it can be used by any ages and never spoils. Also the honey is absorbed faster than the water in our body that’s why in sanskrit it is called as “Param Yogvahi” This types properties, actions and indications of honey are mentioned in great ayurvedic texts such as CHARAKA Samhita and sushrut Samhita. Thus the use of honey in health care stretches back into antiquity.
- Honey Is “Less Bad” Than Sugar for Diabetics.
- The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure.
- Honey Can Lower Triglycerides.
Difference Between Brown & Black Honey
Color: Dark honey is a dark amber or dark brown color. Other honey have a water white or amber color.
Nutritional value: Studies have shown that dark honey contain less water than and more nutrients than lighter honey. Illinois buckwheat flower nectar—which is used to make Buckwheat honey—contains a high number of nutrients, almost 20 times the amount, when compared with other types of lighter honey.
Taste: Dark honey has a more intense and “pungent” taste than light honey, which tastes more mild.
- Don’t Expose to sunlight
- Don’t Refrigerate